How IoT has ushered in a wave of success in Healthcare Services?

IoT in Healthcare has redefined healthcare services altogether by opening up a wide range of convenient options for patients, practitioners, and healthcare service providers.

IoT (Internet of Things) is one of those technological marvels of the modern era that has digitally transformed the Healthcare sector and has helped it to overcome the existent roadblocks and limitations in its functioning. IoT Healthcare Solutions has empowered the practitioners, patients, and service providers to unfold new horizons; resulting in simplified access to medical facilities through remote communication and reduced mortality rate on account of avant-garde treatment methodologies. Needless to say, the rate of adoption of IoT App Solutions has sky-rocketed and an upward demand curve has been observed.

As per Statistica, the Market size of IoT in Healthcare, which was 24 billion US$ in 2016, is predicted to rise to 135.87 billion US$ by 2025.

Fortune Business Insights predicts that the IoT in Healthcare market size will soar up to USD 176.82 Billion by the end of 2026.

In this blog, I have penned down how IoT in Healthcare has revolutionized the fundamental tenets of this domain and its immense benefits reaped by the patients, doctors, and service providers unanimously.

IoT in a nutshell

Internet of Things comprises of a network of devices and software applications, interconnected via computer networks and wireless communication channels. This ingenious eco-system is meant for collecting and sharing real-time data. Data is stored in cloud platforms and can be remotely accessed by authorized users from any part of the globe. IoT in Healthcare enables remote patient monitoring and works wonders in domains like telehealth, mHealth, telemedicine, etc. Let’s dive into some of the use cases in the healthcare domain.

Popular Use cases of IoT in Healthcare

Remote patient Diagnoses and Observation

IoT empowered solutions record the necessary health parameters to facilitate remote patient diagnoses and monitoring. This is one of the commonest applications of IoT in telemedicine apps.

Doctor-patient consultations take place through live audio and video call, and other advanced communication channels, without the need for patients to pay a visit to the hospital. IoT powered external devices such as digital stethoscopes, oximeters, etc are being used by patients during digital telemedicine consultations.

IoT activity monitors such as heart rate monitoring cuffs, glucometers, pulse meters, used by the patients enable the doctors to remotely observe the health of elderly patients and those with chronic conditions. The data obtained from these devices aid the physicians to identify the correct course of treatment for patients.

Mobile Healthand Wellness

Wearables like Apple watches, Fitbits, etc transmit patient’s vital health parameters through Bluetooth and display the results in the smartphones. This proves immensely beneficial in keeping a track of the body vitals and other wellness parameters such as sleep patterns, body temperature, heart rate, blood sugar level, activity tracking, etc. and providing real-time data to the patient, their doctors, and caregivers. For example, a Holter monitor device is a wearable that tracks abnormalities in a patient’s heartbeat. This helps in timely preventive care.

IoT powered ingestible devices

These ingenious ingestible sensors available in the form of pills can be swallowed and it remains inside the human body and stay at a particular spot and sends data to mobile applications. The sensors embedded inside these pills detect drug doses taken and missed by the patient. Some of these pills have an in-built camera that provides visibility of the internal organs. Thus, Ingestible devices prevent life-threatening conditions.

Emergency handling

IoT facilitates the accurate collection of patient data in case of medical emergencies and transmission of this data in real-time to the Emergency Response medical staff. This allows the ER staff to stay prepared while the patient is being brought to the hospital and no time is wasted after the patient’s arrival.

Aiding surgeries

IoT powered tools and applications provide handy assistance during surgeries and in handling post-surgery care. The IoT sensors accumulate data, transmit it, and analyze the same, resulting in finding out even the tiniest complication, and thereby preventing surgical complications.

Efficient Tracking of Patients, Staff, and Inventory

Smart IoT healthcare solutions contribute in the following ways:

Wireless ID cards for staff and patients enhance security, effectively manage admissions, and simplify staff management.
RFID tags are used to track patients such as babies and elderly patients with Alzheimer’s disease and even staff members in case of urgency.
IoT integrates with Real-time location systems (RTLS) to manage the assets of healthcare enterprises. It employs BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) and iBeacon to track supplies in the operating rooms and inventory.
Virtual Monitoring of medical equipment

The contemporary healthcare services require avant-garde software and hardware equipment and their continuous monitoring, to prevent them from system failures and cyber-attacks. IoT powered solutions virtually monitor them and provide alerts to the medical staff if some anomaly is detected.

Managing Pharmacy

Managing the drugs in a hospital and transferring the same safely to storage facilities is a Herculean task with chances of errors. Pharmacies managed by IoT application enable faster delivery of medicines and takes care of drug-preservation issues while transfer.

Handling insurance procedures

Insurance companies leverage IoT devices to validate claims and detect fraudulent practices with the help of the data captured by these devices. Such devices also enhance the transparency between insurance providers and customers regarding processes like pricing, underwriting, handling claims, and assessing risks.

Architecting an IoT Environment in healthcare

Steps to be followed by Digital healthcare service providers for the implementation of IoT are as follows:

Deploying devices possessing sensors, monitors, actuators, camera systems, actuators, and detectors to accumulate data.
Conversion of received data to the digital format and store the same in a data center.
Managing and analyzing the medical data with the help of data analytics based on which the correct course of action is decided.
Key Advantages of IoT powered Healthcare IT services

Easy access to healthcare facilities

Remote doctor monitoring and consultation facilities make healthcare and wellness easily accessible to patients with less mobility, the ones residing in remote areas with no hospitals nearby, and the super-busy professionals who hardly find time to visit the clinic. Moreover, the patients have a plethora of options at their disposal while choosing doctors.

Misdiagnosis of diseases

IoT system with the help of computer vision, sensors can collect data from several IoT devices and leverages advanced analytics enabling providers to know the course of the disease and thus avoid the wrong diagnosis of diseases. Faster and error-free diagnoses of diseases, continuous patient monitoring, and proactive treatment methodologies are some of the major gains for patients opting for digital healthcare services.

Lesser negligence and better adherence to treatment plans

Thanks to the IoT healthcare monitoring solutions encourage patients to stick to their treatment procedures and help the doctors to stay informed about the patient’s condition without much ado.

Operational Flexibility

Online diagnoses allows doctors to enjoy flexible schedules without having to visit the clinic in case of non-emergencies.

Lesser crowd in hospital spaces

Digitally smart healthcare centers can do away with over-crowded waiting rooms, and as such can manage with lesser spaces and fewer administrative staff. Furthermore, the chances of healthcare staff getting infected with contagious diseases lessen.


IoT healthcare solutions enable doctors to scale up the patient count by diagnosing more patients in a day.
On account of digital real-time consultation and monitoring, patients save on the cost by avoiding unnecessary hospital visits, longer hospital stays, and readmissions.
Augments Brand value

Implementing IoT powered smart solutions and motivating the patients to adopt these technologies enhances the brand value of a company and provides them a competitive edge over others and improves overall patient satisfaction too.

Final Verdict

IoT in Healthcare has redefined healthcare services altogether by opening up a wide range of convenient options for patients, practitioners, and healthcare service providers. It’s high time that the healthcare operators incorporate IoT healthcare solutions in their practice operations if they would like to make a mark in today’s dynamic and competitive market.

With this, we come to the end of this article. We hope this blog was helpful. Do comment and let us know your thoughts.

A Complete Guide on Healthcare Mobile App Development

A useful guide on healthcare mobile app development for businesses to flourish even amidst the pandemic. The article lists various features, benefits and types of healthcare mobile apps that are currently looking after a high market share in the coming months.

The on-demand app development market is flourishing amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and, why not? People wish to get their hands on everything from the comfort of their homes and the technology as we know it is proving all that is possible. To think of it, the substantial on-demand application market now focuses on healthcare mobile app development more than any other app. Why is that? Let’s unfold the truth for now.

Healthcare mobile apps are dominating the market. People are rather keen on taking care of their fitness and health more than ever. Building immunity now seems to be the foremost thing on their wishlist that’s something imperative to deal with the repercussions of already evolving viruses.

Here are some of the statistics one must know about the healthcare mobile app development market:

The online fitness market is expected to witness a turnover of US $1798 Million by 2024
77% Online Mobile Users are Looking to Book Medical Practices Online
47% of Mobile Users Research Doctors Online
Healthcare Mobile App Development for Health Organizations and Private Practices can Deduce Savings Worth $200 Million
4 Billion Users Now Focus on Digital Healthcare in 2020
Since the pandemic has ultimately added the fuel to the burning fire, confining the citizens across the world on a house arrest only to be let out for essentials thus the opportunity to rise in the online health and fitness market now stands tall.

Contrary to the downfall of the economy in the health sector due to the infinite closing of gyms, spas and other fitness centres, the technological advancement has come to the rescue. Many organizations, gyms, private fitness firms and more are now catering towards offering virtual fitness and health services to their customer base, thereby, serving dual purposes at once. They are trying to keep their business up and running while the home confinement no longer condemns the people to stop working out altogether.

Types of Healthcare Mobile Apps Available in the Market:

Appointment Booking Application
It is one of the most sought after applications for the online era hooked to their mobiles for everything that matters. An appointment booking application is designed in a way that offers a customizable experience to its users. The application features a doctor directory with multiple filters to choose the appropriate one based on his reviews, experience in the field, area of expertise and much more. Apart from this, the application also allows the patients to make an appointment with the doctor within no time as well as a secure payment gateway for accommodating the required fees.

General Health and Fitness Application
It is one of the most demandable healthcare apps that is cherished by many. It is a type of application that is created for the users of every age, allowing them to take good care of their health and fitness regimes. Since people are now keen on adapting to their fitness routine rather than rely on the gyms or other trainers, a healthcare application that allows them to track their health, offer a virtual guide, personalize the nutrition and more is a lucrative market to dive in.

Chronic Healthcare Application
A healthcare app that is specifically designed for patients with chronic conditions is one of the gigantic life supports that is offered by the technology. The chronic healthcare app works with a suitable internet connection, offering the patients an escape from the hospitals and a boring life. The patients can take good care of their routines, medication, personal nutrition, training and everything at their home with the application assisting as a friend at the time of the need. The patients can monitor their health every minute thus preventing any health mishap while catering to their mental health as well with the in-built assisted programs.

Medication Tracker Application
Since the time doesn’t wait for anyone, in particular, the medication tracker application has come to the rescue. The application has seen a lucrative market by liberating people from the tedious task of remembering when to take the medication, fill up their prescriptions, set up the new appointment, buy the medications and everything that requires their health to stay in a proper condition. The application makes sure to offer a personalised experience to every user and allow them to customize their schedule as per their lifestyle.

Female Health Application
Since technological advancement has foreseen to take good care of the future leaders of the world, the women healthcare market is flourishing to its core. Healthcare mobile app development market is now flooded with multiple applications making women understand their health better. The applications allow women to track their menstruation cycles, ovulation cycles, pregnancies while offering effective tips and tricks across the way. The application further offers a detailed guide on what to expect, how to deal with the health issues, cater to their regimes and more.

Doctor Consultation App
Doctor consultation application is a type of app that has been specifically designed for the patients and the doctor to arrange a virtual meeting without being confined to clinics or hospitals. It is one of the most lucrative ways of conducting professional business while maintaining a dignified patient-doctor relationship. The application allows the patients to search for the listed doctor online and book an online consultation through a secure payment gateway. The patients can further maintain their profile with their health data and records while the doctors are allowed to update the prescriptions and remarks for easy interaction.

Extensive Benefits Associated With Healthcare Mobile App Development

Improved Patient Care
Mobile apps for built-in interfaces for emergency care can alert the doctors of the incoming emergency thereby sending all the prior information on hand before the patient reaches the hospital. Apart from this, the doctor can easily advise the first aid to deal with the severity of the situation.

Improved Coordination
The healthcare apps specifically designed for mobile devices leads to improved patient-doctor coordination. It makes way for easy communication with the two parties, easy transactions, prescription uploading and other data.

Multiple Features on a Single App
Since the internet has made things smarter for business owners to offer their customers multiple features in a single app, the healthcare app development can also profit from this. The application allows the business to include multiple features in a single app. For instance, a general health app can offer multiple stress busters or yoga sessions to the clients with severe anxiety or several other fitness videos for working at home, gaining muscles, getting lean, fat loss and more.

Revenue Increase
The demand for healthcare apps has increased tenfold ever since the pandemic had pushed to keep people in a self-induced quarantine at their home to stay safe. Most people are not allowed or even afraid to visit the gyms or other places with no social distancing, thus, offering them online health consultations, fitness video sessions, live videos, health workouts and more can prove beneficial in increasing sales for the health experts.

Lesser Operational Costs
Since the majority of the customers have now shifted base to virtual workouts and training, proving them the same with minimum equipment has made it possible for the trainers and health experts to cut the operational costs of working from the offices, clinics, gyms or training centres.

End to End Feature Toolkit for Healthcare Mobile App Development

Here are some of the necessary features for healthcare apps specifically made for patients, doctors or healthcare and fitness experts.

Easy Registration
The application must allow the users to easily register over the network with their email ids or social media profiles. The profile creation and navigating throughout the features must be some of the easiest steps for clients. Lesser the number of steps for a signup process, more is the number of downloads and more is the traffic.

Profile Customization
The next step after the user has signed up with the application or a program must be allowing them to customize and modify their profile with the necessary information, contact details, profile pictures, goals and more. Apart from this, the doctor’s panel must allow them to add in their expertise, total experience in the field, qualification, clinic address, availability and more.

Smart Filters
The best healthcare apps often include smart filters allowing the users/patients to search extensively the appropriate doctor or a fitness and nutrition expert. It should be able to modify the search terms according to the location, area of expertise, years of experience, and much more.

Appointment Management
The users must be allowed to make appointments with the doctors or fitness experts of their choice based on the data available on them on the application. The app must include the timings for OPD consultation, online consultation or any other online/offline interactions the expert is offering. Apart from this, the application must include other features like appointment slots, booking confirmation slips, secure payments, appointment cancellation and more.

Medication Reminder
It is one of the vital and sought-after features for a healthcare app that guarantees millions of sign-ups. The application must allow the users or patients to add in their medication schedule thereby offering them notifications or reminders to take them on time.

Multilingual Support
The application must be developed to offer multilingual support to the users/clients of various areas and nationalities. The features allow the patients to easily navigate through the app without any kind of unnecessary trouble.

Real-Time Video or Audio Consultation
It is necessary to offer the users a consultation mode based on their choice. The user must be able to flexibly choose between a chat, audio or video consultation with the said expert or doctor.

Secure Payment Gateways
It is another one of the vital features that leads to multiple downloads and subscriptions of the healthcare application. The user must be offered multiple and secure payment gateways to make payments or consultation fees.

The app must be able to offer the users appropriate notifications or alerts at the right time consulting their health, medication, discount offers, promotions, insights and more.

Promotions and Discounts
It is one of the features of a healthcare app that improves engagement, traffic as well as the app downloads. Offering the users several discounts offers and promo codes for multiple services allows the users to sign up with the application generally leading to increased revenue and sales.


A powerful tech-suite in addition to some high-end features as well as AI-based reports and data analysis are some of the vital requirements for building a notable healthcare app that can result in millions of downloads. Starting an online healthcare business with a healthcare app doesn’t necessarily require you to be a fitness expert or any kind of certification. All you need is a powerful application design with a high-end admin panel enabling you to analyze everything with the data-driven insights. A right blend of healthcare mobile app development experience and a tightly knit team working with a high-end tech suite is all that is required to transform your business idea to reality and we are here to offer you just that!

Why HIPAA Compliance plays a major role in protecting data privacy in Healthcare Apps

HIPAA compliant mobile apps ensure that the data of the patients as well as the health data from the hospitals is safe, secure and private. These apps minimize the risk of threats from data breaching, hacking attacks, etc. HIPAA compliance is mandatory for heath apps for ensuring the integrity & confidentiality of PHI.

The healthcare sector has progressed enormously in this era of digitalization. Global spending on healthcare services is on the rise and this industry has a bright future for sure. Healthcare providers are investing in advanced technologies to ensure high-quality services to their patients. Users of mobile app are able to actively keep track of basic health stats such as consulting a physician over the app, measuring their heart rate, checking their glucose level, BMI level, booking appointments, Accessibility of Electronic Health Records both to patients and Physicians, etc.

But what comes in the picture here is the security of data. It is one of the biggest concerns of the healthcare industry. Data breaches, cyber-attacks, hacking, etc. are common today. They can put the sensitive health data of patients at risk, causing massive losses to healthcare organizations. This data can be at high risk especially while using a healthcare mobile app. So, healthcare organizations need to be more vigilant of their IT and cyber-security practices. In order to avoid theft, fraud, Misuse, identity of the patient data, all healthcare apps in US have to be HIPAA compliant and strictly abide by the HIPAA rules and regulations.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The Act includes a set of minimum security and privacy standards for protection, confidentiality and availability of sensitive patient information and their medical records. It is issued by the federal regulators. Initially, the purpose of enacting this act was to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of U.S. healthcare organizations. Over time, many rules were added to the Act and the purpose was to protect the individually identifiable health information i.e. Protected Health Information (PHI). These rules influence the working and security of healthcare mobile apps.

The entities covered under HIPAA are healthcare clearinghouses, health plans, and healthcare providers that make use of electronic media for transmitting data like health claims, referral authorizations, coordination of benefits, etc. These entities may comprise of individual practitioners, small or large organizations, institutions, research centres and government agencies as well.

Why HIPAA Compliance plays a major role in protecting data privacy in Healthcare Apps?

It is federally mandated for the healthcare organizations and other healthcare IT service providers (like healthcare mobile app development services, web portal development services, etc.), to adhere to HIPAA for data privacy. So let us understand how HIPAA compliance plays a major role in protecting data privacy in Healthcare Apps:

Data Privacy

The importance of data capturing has increased over the years for improving the overall healthcare operations, with the use of advanced technologies like the Internet of Things, Robotic Process Automation, etc. Personal information of hundreds of patients, their contact details and their medical reports are recorded and saved digitally by many hospital bodies. So, data privacy is important to ensure that only relevant information is shared with the right people and at the right time. This also helps to build trust among the patients.

HIPAA compliant apps abide by strict rules to ensure data privacy. They have to display a link in the privacy policy of the mobile app, while the app is downloaded by the users. The apps take consent from the patients or users before using their information. Also, the users are informed about how their data will be used. These apps are hosted on HIPAA compliant servers for ensuring that all the HIPAA standards are met correctly.

Security of the medical data

Data breaches can be devastating for patients, hospitals and similar healthcare systems. There could be insurance frauds, extortion or identity thefts and once this data is hacked or lost, it can be disastrous for both patient and Healthcare providers. Hence it is of utmost importance to secure the data of patients, hospital staff or other back-office data.

A HIPAA compliant mobile app ensures that healthcare data remains safe and secure. The users of these apps can access the data only through a secure login and 2 factor authentications are applied as well for more security. All the data presented in the app can be only accessed using a secure PHI key. Also, in case the mobile device is stolen or lost, the personal user information cannot be accessed easily due to the advanced security and encryption. Data being stored on database servers are also encrypted so that the medical data cannot be easily accessible.

Secure data transmission

In many large Healthcare Facilities having multiple branches, the medical data needs to be shared with many Physicians or concerned authorities. If such a hospital uses a mobile app for data transmission, it must be in accordance with HIPAA rules and regulations. To ensure that the user data in the app isn’t accessed inappropriately or modified abruptly, the data should be audited from time to time. In case the patients are monitored remotely through wearable technology, IoT or AI, only the necessary data will be transferred to ensure the security of data. There are integrity control mechanisms in place in the communication networks of the apps.

A HIPAA compliant mobile app ensures that the amount of sensitive data that is stored on them has access limitations when the device is carried outside the premises of the hospital. Also, when these apps are deleted by the users, any related health data is deleted completely from the device. It is noteworthy that HIPAA laws apply only to the apps using PHI i.e. protected health information. So, the data transferred from an app that does not deal with personally identifiable information, is not needed to be protected under HIPAA.

Notification of medical records breaches

There is a possibility of sensitive Healthcare data getting fraudulently accessed by hackers. If the Healthcare Mobile app is HIPAA compliant, then it needs to notify affected individuals about the breach of data without unreasonable delay and should not be sent later than 60 days. So it is mandatory for an app that adheres to HIPAA to abide by data breach notification laws. Under these laws, the eligible data breaches are obliged to alert the users or relevant parties.

Some of the data breaches may not cause serious harm to hospitals or medical organizations. In case any disclosure of information, unauthorized access to it or loss of personal information is bound to cause serious damage, such breaches are called eligible data breaches. They can result in financial harm or even harm the reputation of the healthcare organizations. So, the mobile app they use should be HIPAA compliant and send timely notifications to users.

Key Takeaways:

Data is the biggest asset in any industry today and healthcare organizations are no exception to it. Today, most hospitals use diverse technologies and mobile apps for providing better services to their patients. However, the medical data can be vulnerable to threats. So, it is necessary for the healthcare apps and systems to follow HIPAA guidelines. Under HIPAA compliance, the covered entities need to put physical, technical and administrative safeguards for PHI in place and thus ensure privacy, confidentiality, integrity and security of the data.

Healthcare Data Analytics and Importance

A systematic type of data analysis that makes it convenient for healthcare professionals to figure out possibilities of advancement in the healthcare system management, the process of diagnosis, and the engagement of patients are collectively known as healthcare data analytics. This involves the use of real-time & historical types of data analysis for predicting trends and gaining better insight into details of the information in the records. Several medical coding courses can help you to enter into this field.

Healthcare is an essential and ever-growing sector. Nevertheless, it is most important when it comes to treating the lives of living beings. It is not possible to handle such a large number of people at the same time. Through the implementation of data analysis in healthcare, many possibilities can be achieved that have never been seen before. Personalized medicines for certain diseases can be developed through analysis of the trends and patterns seen in healthcare. Several things can be seen in a genome, which otherwise cannot be studied by going into detail, but through the utilization of data analysis in healthcare, most of the patterns and trends can be unraveled with ease. A lot of advancement can be made possible in healthcare through the implementation of healthcare data analysis.

What are the benefits of Healthcare Data Analytics?

By utilizing healthcare data analytics, we can better understand patterns in various diseases and how they can affect various people. Based on these patterns and information, cures can be developed and better medication can be created for the patients.
Through healthcare data analytics, the rate of discharges can be understood as well as admissions for the patients and then analyzed better for staff efficiency. They can find ways to increase their own productivity while at the same managing multiple patients in a large number at the same time. By analyzing the data, the operational costs can be cut down and better healthcare opportunities can be available for the patients in need of it.
Since computerized records regarding the health of the patients can be analyzed, they can better collect the clinical data, diagnostic data, and other information related to any tests performed by the doctors, in turn helping the doctors to take better care of the patients’ healthcare.
It can provide great insight into disclosing the correlations between things. We can detect trends and patterns that were hidden before through which we can come up with effective medicine for a certain cause. Not all medications work for everyone. There are a lot of things to be studied in a genome. Through the use of healthcare data analysis, it is possible to find new trends that were first hidden and then correlate them and work towards forming a personalized medicine or treatment for a particular disease.
By analyzing the program as well as patient costs, predictions can be made for what will happen to the patients inside and outside of care. In the same way, through healthcare data analysis, there can be a reduction in the number of medication errors and therefore, work towards the betterment of the administrative healthcare performance.

Advantages of Healthcare IT Solutions

The healthcare industry has grown massively in the last decade. This sector continues to be dynamic in both policies and data. Therefore traditional means of managing this massive data is simply impossible.

Today, it is mandatory for all healthcare institutions to partner with Healthcare IT Solution providers to create a transparent and reliable platform that is patient-centric. IT companies provide solutions that are easy to implement. These solutions are also compliant with the changing nature of the policies in the healthcare sector.

The benefits of a good healthcare system are many. These solutions are beneficial to the payers, providers, care management organizations, pharmas and also government healthcare organizations.

The advantages of Healthcare IT solutions include:

· An interactive platform for payers and providers: The interactions between the healthcare providers and the payers are transparent and simplified. Benefits coordination, alerts, notifications, appointment scheduling, digitization of medical records and other features allow a better relationship between the healthcare provider and the patient.

· Easy integration with Third Party Data Management Systems: Information exchange becomes simplified with solutions that allow integration with Third Party Health Care record systems and also Health Exchanges. With this facility, support is provided for Remote Health Monitoring as well as Home Based Care.

· Mobility: With the digitization of data, mobility is extremely important. Healthcare IT solutions allow easy integration with m-health and health devices.

· Easy access to data: A dedicated Health Cloud provides a secure system for data and content management. Enrollees gain access to several health care services across the globe while complete security of all data is ensured. The built-in Health Risk Assessment and Diagnosis Decision Support System along with several other Health tools makes healthcare more effective and reliable.

· Faster processes: Exchange of data is much faster. In addition to that, processes like claims management and payments become quicker with the digitization of all the data and third-party integration.

· Fraud management: By easing the processes of payments and claims management, frauds are averted. Real-time transactions also allow detection of any real-time fraud instantly.

· Patient Centric Platforms: These IT healthcare solutions are patient-centric. This means that the data is provided by the patient to ensure better community presence and engagement.

There is an option of several novel technologies such as video conferencing and telemedicine services. With this, the vast healthcare industry becomes better connected. The result of this is better communication between several health care providers, accurate healthcare solutions based on the reports of each individual and also a more open relationship between the payer and the provider.

Infinite gives you the advantage of experts who have experience with different sectors of healthcare and also various scales of organizations. It allows for the perfect combination of Technology and Processes to harness the potential of each healthcare organization and to keep pace with the competitive nature of this sector.